"Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out."
- Melissa Gibson, Senior Editorial on Friday, 22 April 2023
Sharon Brown, 37, proved she is the REAL Biggest Loser, despite being the first to be eliminated in the TV show.
She struggled badly during the reality show even when she was coached by an elite fitness trainer. She couldn't even lose one size during the show.
Thus, for her to have lost 3 sizes and stand on the stage raised plenty of eyebrows and stunned many audiences.
In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Sharon finally revealed her secret of shredding massive amount of mass.
Sharon was a big kid since she was young as she liked to eat and didn't like to workout at all. She always wanted to tone down but she couldn't find a way until she came across the reality show on TV. She decided to take his chance.
“When I got the chance to be in this show, I knew for sure I’ll lose weight easily.”
- Sharon Brown
However, Sharon found the reality show’s trainings to be very challenging until she can barely complete any of the workout during the training.
“This reality show is a nightmare. I thought I was going to die.” - Sharon Brown
During the weigh in challenge, Sharon who hardly lost anything sizeable was voted out by her entire team.
Upon returning home, Sharon realized that she has been trending in all social media platforms for all the wrong reasons.
“Almost the entire nation thought I was a lazy slog after watching me struggle to perform the workouts in TV. All those rude messages which bombarded my inbox led me to some dark places and things got really bad until people were creating ridiculous memes of me.”
- Sharon
It was then, Sharon decided to lose weight and prove all her critics wrong.
It wasn't easy, but she was determined so she started taking massive actions.
Here's what Sharon did:
She started looking for diet plans.
She started looking for weight loss programs.
She even started consuming weight pills.
But the results weren't what Sharon expected.
During that time, she even thought skipping meals to be the best way to get rid of her extra weight.
Eventually Sharon was still the same weight as she first started.
“It was the darkest period in my life. I felt like I was losing the battle.”
- Sharon
One day, Sharon met Prof. Mitsuhiro from the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine who ran a WEIRD experiment with his research team.
Prof. Mitsuhiro is a medical scientist who specializes in Traditional Japanese medicine - Kampo (漢方).
They tested a new adhesive patch on rats. One with hokuto and one without for two weeks. The result (which was published in The Journal Of Proteome Research) showed that rats that were given patches WITH hokuto experienced lost weight compared to those without hokuto. They also noticed a decrease in body fat in those that were given the patch with hokuto.
According to Prof. Mitsuhiro, hokuto activates the proteins inside fat cells that break down fat.
Plus, hokuto also reduces the activity of enzymes that are responsible for synthesizing fat, thereby preventing the development of mature fat cells.
It stops the body’s from creating mature fat cells which leads to a tremendous loss of fat without any exercise of any kind.
It Didn’t Matter If They Were In Their 30s, 40s, 50s, or even 60s or if they were Male or Female.
Prof. Mitsuhiro said that this new breakthrough has an incredible success rate with his patients as well.
"Most of us are preoccupied with hectic lifestyle these days, therefore, we decided to invent Hokuto™ by adding natural and organic herbs such as Korean Ginseng and natural essential oils.”
- Prof. Mitsuhiro
Pro. Mitsuhiro further claimed that this patch’s powerful, botanically-based formula will deliver maximum firming, tightening and toning results when applied to the skin.
"I decided to give it one last try and was shocked by the result."
In Week 1, she felt a mild minty sensation from the patch. But she decided to keep going.
In Week 2, she started to get used to the patch. She found out that she’d lost 7 Ibs by just using the patch.
By the end of the month, she had lost a whopping 39 Ibs.
Today, Sharon has lost over 113 lbs...
Here's what she shared with us.
"It was the CRAZIEST thing I’d ever seen! Watching the belly fat I’d been fighting for years and years shrink away to nothing…"
"After 5 months of using the patch, I had to give away all of my clothes that became too big for me."
"I then attended the finale of show where all 15 contestants reunited and weighed in, for one last time in front of a live studio audience."
"Everyone was stunned with my amazing transformation."
"No one gave me a chance but here I am, after losing 9 lbs more than the winner of this season!"
"I couldn't be happier. The best part is, I can eat whatever I want without gaining fat, thanks to Hokuto™ Patch."
Japanese Government has set a limit to the extraction of the Hokuto.
“I’m so grateful that our hard work is able to help people around the globe who faced a similar situation like Sharon.”
- Prof. Mitsuhiro
However, there are only 3,000 units of Hokuto™ were allowed to be sold outside of Japan each year. Last year, the stock was completely sold out in just 15 minutes after launching.
Luckily as for now, we have both good and bad news for you.
The good news is that the Japanese Government is now allowing additional 5,000 units of Hokuto™ to be exported.
But the bad news is, 90% of the stock are already pre-booked by our previous customers.
As per our latest stock count, ONLY LAST 107 units are available now!
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